Portland's SE Hawthorne Blvd

Taken September 9, 2023

SE Hawthorne is quintessential Portland. Quirky, gritty, organic. A place to shop for vintage clothes, get a tattoo, see a movie, have your fortune read, grab a taco, take a yoga class, or meet friends for waffles and a beer - all within a few blocks. Bounded by close-knit neighborhoods but connected to downtown, Hawthorne is both hyper-local and a destination for all.


About “Five Picture Friday”

Every other Friday, I produce a short photo-essay on an interesting location. I try to capture the essence of the place, distilled down into a few images. It’s a fun way to practice my photography, and I hope you enjoy a little armchair travel!


People to avoid, as they seem to fail at being a decent human.

Photo: OilNOW

Darren Woods, CEO of ExxonMobil.

Oil companies are always a good recruiting pool for the Twerp Alert, but Bossman Woods here really jumped to the front of the line. In comments to Fortune, Darren said that the lack of progress on climate change was the fault of ordinary consumers…who can’t/won’t foot the bill for the transition to a clean energy economy.

ExxonMobil made a $36 billion profit in 2023, its 2nd best year in a decade.

Seriously. We’re trying to have a civilization here…



A periodic service of the CD Dispatch. Our team monitors the globe to identify individuals of concern so our readers can steer clear. Criteria for consideration include hypocrisy, cruelty, ignorance, general horribleness, and being a sanctimonious snot.

Parting Proclamation

Words, witticisms, and wisdom:

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

- Buckminster Fuller

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Why should you have all the fun?

No, seriously. Who do you think you are ? Selfish bastard…


All content and opinions are solely those of the author (Jack), and not representative of my employer, former employers, anyone in Congress, my family, former college roommates, Baptists, the good citizens of Oregon, or my dog Mabel.