A winter stroll around Colorado State University

Taken December 22, 2024

When the obituary of the United States is written, a paragraph or two will certainly discuss its university system, in particular the Land-Grant state schools spread across the landscape. These foundational institutions turbo-charge the American experiment, cultivating economic, scientific, and cultural strengths both direct and indirect. Walking across a campus - in this case Colorado State University - stirs an appreciation of what’s missing in much of our society - unique architecture, open and green spaces, people-oriented urban planning, and of course the pursuit of knowledge.

About “Five Picture Friday”

Every other Friday, I produce a short photo-essay on an interesting location. I try to capture the essence of the place, distilled down into a few images. It’s a fun way to practice my photography, and I hope you enjoy a little armchair travel!

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Why should you have all the fun?

No, seriously. Who do you think you are ? Selfish bastard…


All content and opinions are solely those of the author (Jack), and not representative of my employer, former employers, clients, anyone in Congress, my family, former college roommates, Baptists, the good citizens of Colorado, or my dog Mabel.